Active Monitoring
Talk to usSolarkinetics offers a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the Active Monitoring of your solar PV system.
Most of our new systems are registered on a free-to-use monitoring portal which measures power being generated and shows any system faults. Keeping an eye on how your system is performing means you get full value out of your investment, it’s not a case of ‘fit and forget’.
In the immediate period post-installation, lots of customers are glued to their mobile devices, fascinated by the minute-by-minute generation data they can see. However, at some point, the novelty wears off, real life gets in the way and before you know it, weeks have gone by before you’ve given your solar PV system much thought.
Where we can help
A lot of the time, you won’t have to do anything. However, complex electronics can sometimes have minor issues like comms dropping out. This doesn’t mean your system isn’t working, rather you can’t see what it’s doing.
We offer an active monitoring service, where Solarkinetics will diagnose, troubleshoot and address any potential issues with the system’s performance. This is done daily, Monday to Friday (except Bank Holidays). Sign up for the Active Monitoring service.
We’re here if you want a chat about whether the Active Monitoring service is right for you. Call 01432 861047.

Active Monitoring service
- Check the functioning of solar panels, inverter and batteries (if installed) via the online portal
- Notify you if comms have dropped out
- Help reinstate connection, in the first instance over the phone, otherwise with a site visit
- On finding a fault, let you know by phone or email and aim to resolve the issue as quickly as we can
- Resolve within 10 working days, if no specially ordered parts need to be supplied.
- Time taken to resolve any fault depends on its type and whether a replacement part needs to be ordered and fitted.
We want to make sure your investment reaches its annual yield target. The active monitoring service is a monthly fee, the cost depends on the size of your installation. Contact us if you don’t know your system size.
The easiest way to pay is to set up a standing order with your bank, to do this we’ll send you the necessary details.
To get started, select your system size and enter your contact details. Once payment is received and acknowledged, Active Monitoring of your system starts straight away. Read the Terms and Conditions of the Active Monitoring service.
Sign up for the Active Monitoring service
Solar. Batteries. EV Chargers.
Solar panels and batteries - it’s possible to run all year round without ever paying more than off-peak. Make use of off-peak tariffs to import and store power when the price of electricity is at its lowest. Solar can also charge your car for free. Why not get in touch for a quote.